Trading indicators

When deciding which trading solutions to use, traders and investors invariably turn to technical analysis. This involves conducting market analysis using a variety of different indicators. Our technical analysis feature is only available on the StormGain web platform.

If you'd like to add an indicator to a given chart, you will first need to enter full-screen mode by clicking the "Indicators/Full screen" button.


Once you enter full-screen mode, click the "Indicators" icon and select the desired indicator type (trend, oscillator or volatility indicator) before choosing the indicator you wish to apply from the drop-down menu. The selected indicator will then appear on the chart.


An on-screen message will then appear to say which indicator has been added. There's also an option to edit the indicator's default parameters. This can be accessed by clicking the gear icon next to the indicator.


You can find an exhaustive list of available indicators in the platform's "Indicators" tab.

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